Sunday, August 18, 2013

Functional Dependencies

8:06 AM

  • A Functional Dependency describes a relationship between attributes within a single relation.
  • An attribute is functionally dependent on another if we can use the value of one attribute to determine the value of another.
  • Example: Employee_Name is functionally dependant on Social_Security_Number because Social_Security_Number can be used to uniquely determine the value of Employee_Name.
  • We use the arrow symbol -> to indicate a functional dependency.
    X -> Y is read X functionally determines Y
    Student_ID -> Student_Major
    Student_ID, CourseNumber, Semester -> Grade
    Course_Number, Section -> Professor, Classroom, NumberOfStudents
    SKU -> Compact_Disk_Title, Artist
    CarModel, Options, TaxRate -> Car_Price

  • The attributes listed on the left hand side of the -> are called determinants.
    One can read A -> B as, “A determines B”. Or more specifically: Given a value for A, we can uniquely determine one value for B.

Keys and Uniqueness

  • Key: One or more attributes that uniquely identify a tuple (row) in a relation.
  • The selection of keys will depend on the particular application being considered.
  • In most cases the key for a relation will already be specified during the conversion from the E-R model to a set of relations.
  • Users can also offer some guidance as to what would make an appropriate key.
  • Recall that no two relations should have exactly the same values, thus a candidate key would consist of all of the attributes in a relation.
  • A key functionally determines a tuple (row). So one functional dependency that can always be written is:
              Key -> All other attributes  
  • Not all determinants are keys.

Modification Anomalies

  • Once our E-R model has been converted into relations, we may find that some relations are not properly specified. There can be a number of problems:
    • Deletion Anomaly: Deleting one fact or data point from a relation results in other information being lost.
    • Insertion Anomaly: Inserting a new fact or tuple into a relation requires we have information from two or more entities – this situation might not be feasible.
    • Update Anomaly: Updating one fact in a relation requires us to update multiple tuples.
  • Here is a quick example to illustrate these anomalies: A company has a Purchase Order form:

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